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An elaborate formal writing style on a subject is report writing. Typically, a report’s tone is formal. It’s always carefully considered whom it’s intended for. The purpose of report writing varies depending on the context. In professional environments, reports serve as a means of documenting project progress, communicating findings to stakeholders, or making informed decisions based on data analysis.

1. Report Writing

1.1 Types of Reports

Formal or informal report: Formal reports exhibit a strong structural framework, placing emphasis on objectivity and consistency. They encompass extensive detail and are composed in a style that aims to eliminate personal opinions. On the other hand, informal reports typically consist of brief messages that employ natural, casual language. Broadly speaking, an internal memorandum can be characterized as an informal report.

Writing Informal Reports


Memo Header 

To: (Name and title of target audience) 

From: (Name and title of writer: remember to sign or initial if it isn’t an electronic submission) 



CC: (distribution list when necessary) 

Introduction [No heading necessary] 

Discussion sections [use headings provided in the outline attachment of the syllabus]

Conclusion [Reflection is the content]

Parts of an Informal Report 

Reports are written for many different reasons and use two basic formats. One is the long or formal report and the short or informal report. But Every report, like every letter, essay, or article has 3 main parts: Introduction, Discussion sections, Conclusion. These reports follow the same format as the memo but are longer and more comprehensive. Because they are longer than one or two pages, report also include such formatting elements as headings, bulleted or numbered lists, and graphs and charts or tables.


The introductory section includes these parts: 

1. a statement of the problem or situation, 

2. the task assigned to their writer and the scope of the project. 

3. purpose of the report and forecasts for the reader the topics of the report.

Finally, when appropriate, the introduction ends with the conclusion or recommendation reached by the writer.

Discussion Sections

Another aspects of report writing that is somewhat different from other business communications is the reading patterns of various audiences. Remember that most memos and reports have a target audience, but a number of secondary audiences who must be accommodated. Some of the readers will skim the report. In other words, the report, particularly the discussion sections, may not be read in a linear way from the first word progressing to the last. Therefore, the writer must be certain the report is comprehensible when read in that manner. Each section must work together as part of the whole report. But a reader should be able to read one section and understand the context. Anytime you use a list, or graphic or visual representation, you should introduce that list or visual and explain its purpose to the audience.

The Formal Report

Formal reports are written from two of the laboratory experiments specified in the syllabus. Perform the experiments and complete the report requirements for that experiment given in the laboratory manual. The report must be typed. It must be neat and coherent. 

Organize the report well and write with correct grammar in a clear, candies, easily understood style. Communicate clearly and efficiently to an audience that is assumed to be unfamiliar with this particular lab course.

To the extent possible, the formal report should simulate (in style, tone, and structure) the Sample Format Report shown in the following pages. An outline of the report’s structure, which is fairly standard, is given below. Lower case items are not headings. Headings are in capital letters. Lettered items are not headings either, but are simply descriptive labels for subsections of the report. The Introduction, Background/ Theory, Methods, Results, and Discussion sections make up the main body of the report.

Outline of Formal Report

Title page 

a. title 

b. author’s name 

c. course 

d. date of experiment 


A summary of:

 a. objectives 

b. experimental methods 

c. numerical results and other results 

d. conclusion 

Table of Contents 

a. headings (including appendices) 

b. page numbers

1.2 Significance of Reports

The importance of writing a research paper report is highlighted below.

● Skill development: Engaging in report writing nurtures skills in analysis, decision-making, and communication. These skills, in turn, serve as tools for personal advancement. 

● Presentation of facts: Facts need to be presented in an easily accessible manner, which is why reports play a crucial role in verifying and discussing various aspects of reality through analysis and interpretation.

● Oversight and control: Regardless of whether tasks are completed on schedule or not, report writing serves as a primary means of monitoring these activities.

● Managing challenging situations: Large-scale enterprises often encounter labor shortages due to complex circumstances. In such cases, managers create reports as a means of addressing and managing these situations effectively.

● Analytics: Reports hold significant relevance as they enable committees to investigate any issues that arise and determine their causes. These reports comprehensively outline the entire situation, including findings and recommendations, if applicable.

1.3 Report Planning

The most time-consuming part of report writing is the preparation stage. If the preparation is not done thoroughly, it can result in wasted time and the risk of creating a project that fails to achieve its objectives. To ensure effective preparation of your study, the following steps provide a recommended set of guidelines:

  •  Identify and explain the issue and purpose of the report. 
  •  Define the target audience or group for the report.
  •  Determine which ideas and information are relevant and should be included. 
  •  Gather all necessary and appropriate data. 
  •  Process and analyze the collected information. 
  •  Organize and structure the knowledge and data obtained. 
  •  Plan and create an outline for the report.

 1.4 Process of Report Writing

● Determine the nature of the report: The nature of the report pertains to whether it is categorized as statutory or non-statutory. The form of the report is contingent upon its type. 

● Establish the purpose of the report: The purpose can only be determined once the nature and type of the report are known. The remaining stages of the report are based on its purpose. 

● Decide on the content of the report: Typically, every report includes the following elements: Heading, Address, Table of Contents, Terms of Reference, Report Body, Recommendations, References, Appendices, and Signature.

● Report summary: A summary and conclusions are presented at the end of the report. It is customary to include a list of references and a bibliography that indicate the sources used by the writer. Appendices can include graphs, figures, sample types, and similar materials. 

● Conclusion of the report: At the end of the report, the author must sign it if they were assigned to write it. In the case of a committee tasked with writing the report, the chairperson and all committee members should sign it. It is advisable to include the date of the study. 

● Data collection: Data can be categorized into primary and secondary forms. Primary data is gathered through inquiries, observations, interviews, or surveys. Secondary data is collected from various company documents or, in some cases, from external sources. Certain books may also be used to collect secondary data. 

● Data analysis: This involves classifying, tabulating, editing, and analyzing the collected data. Proper structuring of the data greatly aids in effective data analysis. A rational interpretation of the data provides valuable information for management, and the conclusions are based on the data analysis.

Visual Aids in Reports

Visual aids are tangible objects that complement spoken content, such as graphs, photographs, video clips, and other visual elements. These aids serve various purposes, including summarizing information, highlighting key details, and minimizing the need for excessive verbal explanations. By incorporating visual aids, you can enhance the clarity of examples and make your presentation more impactful. 

Preparing and Using the Visual Aids

If you have made the decision to utilize a visual aid, it is crucial to ensure that the audience can quickly grasp the image—it should be readily apparent.

● Consider how a visual aid can enhance your message and engage the audience effectively. 

● Ensure that the visual aid aligns with your intended message to avoid confusing the viewers. ● Avoid      overcrowding the picture as it may result in a blurry and chaotic appearance. 

● Visual aids should be simple, concise, and of high quality. 

● Maintain consistency in style, including the use of the same font, colors, and positioning. 

● Utilize graphs and charts to present data. 

● Simultaneously, make sure the audience can easily read and listen, employing visual aids to illustrate      your points. 

● Using visual aids in moderation-these are add-ons designed to highlight and reinforce the key points. 

● Ensure that in the event of technical difficulties, the presentation still operates without visual aids. 

● Practice using visual aids in advance and receive input from friends and colleagues. Ask them if they      can see the visual aid clearly, and how they perceive it.

Visual Aids

Utilizing visual aids like diagrams, charts, statistics, and examples can enhance the quality of written reports. These visuals should be placed within the text in a way that logically corresponds to the subject matter and is appropriately referenced. When presenting research results, they should be placed as close to their initial reference in the text as possible.

  • The use of tables
  • The use of figures
  • Data samples
● Begin by familiarizing yourself with the topic. Typically, you will receive a concise outline detailing     the subject matter and the purpose of the report you are tasked with preparing. 
● Always keep your assignment brief at the forefront of your mind. 
● Start with an executive summary. 
● Proceed with an introduction. 
● Present the main body of your report. 
● Conclude with recommendations and conclusions.


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