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A Shady Plot - Short Answer Questions (with Solutions)

                                                 A Shady Plot                                          

 Short Answer Type Questions

1.     Why and how had Helen, and other ghosts been helping the narrator write ghost stories?
Ans. Helen had been helping the author because he was a new author and needed help. Helen was a member of the "Writer's Inspiration Bureau" which helped the building authors. For this task they selected a mind was blank (with no ideas) and impressionable enough for the ghosts to plant their thoughts in his mind.

2.     Why were the ghosts annoyed over the use of Ouija Boards?
Ans. The ghosts were annoyed by the growing popularity of Ouija Boards because the game of Ouija used to disturb them frequently. People use to call the ghosts with the help of the Ouija Boards and then wanted them to tell the answers to their questions. Those boards had gained popularity and every time the ghosts were disturbed.

3.      How does the ghost reveal the secret of the author's ability of writing ghost stories?
Ans. The ghost revealed that the narrator did not know how to write a ghost story. She told the narrator that the ideas which came in his mind while writing stories were implanted by her only. She told the author that she had helped him in his earlier assignments also.

4.     Why did John want the ghost to disappear before his wife's arrival?
Ans. The narrator's wife was a meek-hearted woman. The narrator felt that she would faint on seeing a ghost. So, he wanted the ghost to disappear before his wife's arrival.

5.     Why does the narrator hesitate in playing the Ouija Board game?
Ans. The narrator did not like to play the game of Ouija. Secondly, the ghost lady Helen, had told the author to get his friends and relatives out of this habit of using Ouija Boards but he himself was going to be part of the game.

6.     Why did Jenkins want the author to write ghost stories?
Ans. Jenkins wanted the author to write ghost stories because he knew that the public wanted something horrifying and really enjoyed the stories which had some supernatural elements in them and he felt that the author's ghosts were live propositions.

7.     Do you feel that the author had many novel ideas to write the plots of his ghost stories?
Ans. No, I don't think that the author had many novel ideas to write the plots of his stories. According to the author, he never used to have any shade of an idea about writing a ghost story. But the idea of a plot used to come to him out of nowhere after he had chased the inspiration in vain for months.

8.     What made the author a bit overconfident about his storytelling skills?
Ans. The author didn't consider himself to be a prolific writer. Whenever he was told to write a ghost story, he mysteriously got an idea for the plot and was able to dig up a spine-chilling story. So, he began to get a bit cocky as to his ability.

9.     Why couldn't the author write down a story when he sat down at his desk to write one?
Ans. The author at first couldn't get an idea for the plot of his story and then his mind started wandering off on other unghostly and material things such as his wife's shopping spree and how he could cure his wife of her alarming tendency to take every new fad that came along and work it to death.

10.   Describe how the ghost appeared and how did she look like.
Ans. The author saw something in the room taking a shape. First an arm came out, then a bit of sleeve of a stiff white shirtwaist, then a leg and a plaid skirt. She was long and angular, with enormous fishy eyes behind big bone-rimmed spectacles, and her hair in a tight wad at the back of her head.

Long Answer Type (Value-based) Questions

1. Justify the title of the story 'A Shady Plot'.
Ans. A shady Plot means a plot in which there are many dark sides, secrets to be revealed and an involvement of supernatural things. The story consists of all these elements. The presence of the ghost of Helen makes the story supernatural and the way she appears and disappears is mysterious. The story tells us that the author was inspired by the writer's bureau of the ghosts, and he himself did not have any ideas to write the ghost stories. The ghost used to find a mind impressionable enough to receive their ideas. With the help of those ideas the author used to write the stories. The story has all the shades of grey, which suits its name.

2. Describe A Shady Plot as a ghost story.
Ans. The story has a ghost in it but it is not a spine-chilling ghost story. It would not give you goosebumps, it would rather make you laugh at times. The appearance of the ghost of Helen in pieces is also humorous as the author is not afraid of it and asks why she appears in sections. The ghost appears to be a real person rather than a terrifying spirit. She doesn't enjoy disturbing the life of the people, she rather helped the couple reconcile in the end by revealing her true identity. She even provided inspiration to the author. So, The story has a ghost but not the element of a typical ghost story.

3. The story is not a spine-chilling and scary ghost story. It is full of humor and pun. Explain with reference to context.
Ans. The story is not a normal horrifying ghost story which can give anyone goosebumps. The story is as amusing as a comedy. There is bubbling humor in many of the dialogues of the author. The author describes the appearance of the ghost in pieces, which evokes a great deal of laughter. ''First an arm came out, then a bit of sleeve of a stiff white shirtwaist.'' The author creates a picture of the ghost in front of our eyes in a very humorous manner. The way the author describes his encounter with the lady is also rib-tickling. The author's imagination that the ghost was a stenographer applying for a job for which he had given an advertisement in the newspaper, is also side-splitting. The ghosts going on strike also sounds comical and funny. The ghost saying that they used to haunt a little on the side purely for amusement sounds hilarious. The dialect of Mrs Gladolia 'Misto Hallock, de Missus sho t'inks you's lost!' also tickles the rib of the reader. The story has witty remarks, hilarious encounters and ludicrous moments. 

4. ''I've got the bulliest plot for a ghost story!" How did the author get the plot?
Ans. The author of the story is reflected as a normal person who doesn't have much of writing skills. He always gets a sudden idea and is able to weave a spooky and thrilling story around that idea. This time also he taxed his mind a lot but no idea popped up. But, he was still confident of his abilities because he always used to get an idea in the end. He called upon heaven and earth to give him an idea. Suddenly, a ghost appeared in front of the author and told him that she couldn't help him anymore in generating new ideas because she was on strike. She also said that she would not generate any new plot till he would use his influences to impress upon his friends to stop using Ouija Boards. The same night, the author's wife had an Ouija party and the author also had to be part of it. During the Ouija Board questioning session, the lady ghost told the ladies that she was the ghost of Helen and that the author was a traitor. The author's wife threatened to leave him. She saw the ghost in author's room and realised that it was merely a ghost. She forgave her husband. The author got the bulliest plot.

5. As the author of the story, write down your experiences of the day in the form of a diary entry.
Ans. 15th Jan. 20XX
         Dear  Diary
         I am really sad and disappointed today. So far, I had thought myself to be a talented writer. I could write creative stories which had novelty and thrills in them. But all of my self-confidence was shattered when I had an encounter with the ghost of Helen. So far, I had been overconfident about my writing abilities as readers always liked my stories and i got really good response for them. But, the ghost of Helen was very crude in telling me that she always helped me in writing the stories and it were her ideas that got me praises for my stories. Another shock which she gave me was by telling me that she use to lean on my head for giving me ideas. She told me that she wold't give me any ideas until I would use my influence to get all my friends and acquaintances to stop using the Ouija Board. And for the worst, Lavinia came back home. I requested Helen to disappear before Lavinia came into my room. I hope I will be able to convince my friends about not using Ouija Boards as I need ideas for writing stories. I have to earn my bread and butter at least.   


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