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Ch-1:-The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

                                   Very Short Answer Type Questions(1 marks)

1.     Who was Frederic Sorrieu ?
Ans. Frederic Sorrieu was a French artist who visualised a world, made up of democratic and social          republics, and put his dream down in a series of four prints.
2.    What is referred to as Absolutism?
Ans.Unrestricted, despotic and authoritarian monarchial system of rule or government is referred to         as absolutism.
3.    Define Nation.
Ans. A body of people who are united by same past, culture, political system and common interests           can be defined as a Nation.
4.    What was the concept of a nation-state?
Ans. The concept of a nation-state was one in which people and rulers of land came together to                  develop a sense of common identity and shared history.
5.    Define Plebiscite.
Ans. Plebiscite is a system of direct vote by which the people of a region, themselves decide to accept         or reject a proposal.
6.     Name the provinces under the Habsburg Empire.
Ans. The Habsburg Empire ruled over Austria-Hungary.It included the Alpine region of Tyrol,                     Austria, Sudetenland as well as Bohemia along with Italian speaking provinces of Lombardy and         Venetia.
7.    What was the strong demand of the emerging middle class in Europe during the 19th century?
Ans. The emerging middle class of Europe demanded constitutionalism with national unification.
8.    What was elle?
Ans. Elle was the measure of cloth. It was different for each of the 39 states of German confederation.
9.    What was the basic philosophy of the conservatives?
Ans. The basic philosophy of the conservatives was to preserve the traditional institutions such as              church, monarchy, social hierarchies, property and family etc.
10.  Who hosted the Congress of Vienna in 1815?
Ans. Duke Metternich hosted the Congress of Vienna in 1815.
11.   What was main aim of the Treaty of Vienna of 1815?
Ans. The main aim of the Treaty of Vienna of 1815 was to undo the changes brought about in Europe          during the Napoleonic wars.
12.  What was the main aim of the revolutionaries of Europe.
Ans. The European revolutionaries aimed at opposing the monarchial order established after the                Vienna Congress and struggle for liberty and freedom.
13.  What is Romanticism?
Ans. Romanticism refers to cultural movement that sought to develop a particular form of nationalist        sentiment through emotions, folk songs, poetry and dances.
14.  What is meant by 'das volk'?
Ans. Das volk is a German word meaning common people.
15.  Where was the Frankfurt Parliament conveyed?
Ans. The Frankfurt Parliament was conveyed at the church of St Paul.
16.  Who headed Sardinia-Piedmont ?
Ans. King Victor Emmanual II headed Sardinia-Piedmont.
17.  What was Germania ?
Ans. It was an allegory of Germany.
18.  Who were the Slavs ?
Ans. The inhabitants ofthe regions under the Ottoman Empire like modern-day Romania, Bulgaria,             Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Coatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro were called the Slavs.
19.  What make the Balkan area explosive?
Ans. The spread of romantic natinalism and disintegration of Ottoman Empire made the Balkan area         very explosive.
20.Who referred as 'junkers' in Prussia?
                                              SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS(3 Marks)
1.    Explain any three features of the 'Nation-State' that emerged in Europe in the twentieth century.
Ans. (a) The concept and practices of a modern state with sovereign centralised power developed in   
        (b) Nation-state was supposed to be a state where majority of its citizens shared common                          identity and history. 
        (c) Nations began to be personified i.e, they were represented as a person with characteristics                  that identified their nations. Mainly female figures were used to portray the nation.
2.     How did the ideas of French Revolution spread to other parts of Europe?
Ans. The French Revolution inspired other countries of Europe.Its ideas spread to other parts of                 Europe in the following ways.
      (a) The French Revolutionaries proclaimed to help Europeans to constitute nation-states.
      (b) Various revolutionary clubs like the Jacobin clubs began to be formed by students and                         educated middle class in different European cities based on French model.
      (c) Revolutionary wars in countries like Holland, Belgium, Switzerland and Italy paved way for                French armies to move to other parts o Europe.
3.    Explain any three reasons for the nationalist upsurge in the 19th century Europe.
Ans. The following were the main reasons for the nationalists upsurge in the 19th century Europe.
       (a) Apart from war and territorial expansion, it was culture which played an important role in                  creating the idea of nation. Whether it was music or art, poetry, or stories, every form of art                contributed to expressing nationalist feelings nationalist feelings.
       (b) Romantic artists created a sense of common cultural heritage as the basis of nation building.
       (c) Vernacular language became one of the important reasons as folklore, folksongs etc.                            promoted the spirit of nationalism.    
4.      Explain the process of unification of Italy.
Ans.  The following process of unification of Italy.
         (a) In the 1830s, Mazzini made efforts to unite Italy by forming a secret society called Young                     Italy which failed.
For example:          (b) This lead to King Victor Emmanuel II taking responsibility to unify the Italian states                              through war for which he got wholehearted support of his Chief Minister Cavour. Through a                tactful diplomatic alliance with France, Cavour defeated Austrians forces in 1859.
          (c) With this, the unification process of Italy was completed and Victor Emmanuel II was                          proclaimed the ruler of united Italy.
5.    Explain the significance of portraying nations as female figure by the Europeans artists of the             18th and 19th centuries.
Ans. (a) The artists thought a giving a face to the nation and represented a country as a human form.
        (b) Female figures were chosen though these did not stand for any particular woman in real life.
        (c) It was just to give a symbolic idea to the physical form of a nation.  



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