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           Very Short Answer Type Questions [ 1 or 2 Marks]

1.     What do people need to get more income?
Ans. People need regular work, better wages and decent price for crops to get more income.

2.      Define average income.
Ans. Per capita income or average income is calculated by dividing the total income of a country with          its population.

3.      What does HDI stands for?
Ans. HDI stands for Human Development Index. It is a tool developed by the United Nations to                 measure a country's overall achievements in its social and economic dimensions.

4.      Define sustainable development.
Ans. Sustainable development refers to the development that meets the needs of the present without           compromising the needs of the future generation.

5.     What does national income refer to ?
Ans. National income refers to the value of the total goods and services produced within a country in         a year.

6.     Why does Kerala have low infant mortality rate?
Ans. Kerala has low infant mortality rate because it has adequate provisions of basic health and                    educational facilities.

7.      Define economic growth?
Ans. Economic growth refers to the increase in per capita GDP of an economy over a long period of           time.

8.     Give any two common developmental goals of the people.
Ans. The two common developmental goals of the people are as follows.
         (a) Peace and security
         (b) Better living conditions

9.      Define sex ratio.
Ans. The total no. females per thousand males in a country is termed as sex ratio.

10.    Define infant mortality rate.
Ans. The number of children that die before the age of one year as a proportion of 1000 live children          born in that particular year is known as infant mortality rate.

11.    Beside more income, what other things do the people seek?
Ans. Beside more income, people seek to have equal treatment, freedom, security and health.

12. What does national development refer to?
Ans. National development refers to the ability of a country to improve the social welfare of the people. For example, by providing social amenities such as quality education, potable water, transportation, infrastructure and medical care.

13. Beside the size of per capita income, which other property of income is important in comparing two or more countries?
Ans. Per capita income is an important but not the only criterion for development. Along with average income, equitable distribution of income in a country should also be considered.

14. What is net attendance ratio?
Ans. Net attendance ratio is the total number of children of age group 14 and 15 years attending school as a percentage of total number of children in the same age group.

15. Among Maharashtra, Kerala and Bihar, which one has the lowest infant mortality rate?
Ans. Kerala has the lowest infant mortality rate.

Short Answer Type Questions

1. What is development? Mention two aspects of development.
Ans. Development is a positive growth or change in economical, social and political aspects of a country.
Two aspects of development are:
(a) Economic development or rise in income of the people
(b) Social development which includes education,health and public services

2. What is meant by economic development? Write two basis of measuring economic development of a country.
Ans. Economic development is a sustained increase in real per capita income that Promotes economic welfare by reducing poverty, unemployment and inequalities in distribution of income.
The two basis of measuring economic development are:
(a) Quality of life and environment sustainability
(b) Per capita income

3. Mention any three characteristics of development.
Ans. The following are the three major characteristics of development.
(a) Different people can have different developmental goals.
(b) What may be development for one may not be development for other. It may be destructive for the other.
(c) People tend to look at a mix of goals for their development.

4. 'Development for one may be the destruction for other." Do you agree with the statement? Justify your answer. 
Ans. I certainly agree with statement that development for one may be the destruction for other. People have different developmental goals. They seek what is most important for them and fulfill their aspirations and desires. For example, the establishment of a dam leads to infrastructural development, generation of electricity, etc., but at the same time, it may lead to the large-scale displacement of people, loss of livelihood, shelter, etc. of the people living near the proposed dam site. Hence, construction of dam may be development for some, but may be destruction for others.

5. Besides income, what are other six things people may look for growth and development?
Ans. Apart from income, the six things people look for growth and development are:
(a) peace.
(b) good heath
(c) good working condition
(d) regular and sufficient income.
(e) desirable living standard.
(f) equal and humane treatment.


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