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Extra Questions of' TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA'

                                         Short Answer Type Questions                                            

 1.     What errands did Nicola and Jacopo do to earn their living?
Ans. The two boys did all kind of odd jobs. They polished shoes, sold strawberries, conducted tours            of the town. They sold newspapers in the midnight. The two boys never shied from work. They          ran  errands and they were always eager to work.
2.     What made the two boys take part in resistance movement?
Ans. The boys had a happy family and they were well bred children. The Germans bombed their city         and destroyed their home. Their father was also killed in the war. The boys and their sister were           thrown in the streets. The boys were forced to live in a shelter. So, to show their hatred towards           the Germans, they joined the resistance movement.
3.     Why was the author surprised to see two brothers shining shoes?
Ans. The author was surprised to see the two boys working as shoeshiner because the previous day              when he met them on the hills, they were selling strawberries. He didn't know that the two boys          did various jobs.
4.      How were the two boys helpful for the author?
Ans. The two boys ran errands for the author and his friend. If the author and his friend wanted a                  pack of cigarettes or seats for the opera or the name of good restaurant, Nicola and Jacopo could          be relied upon to satisfy their needs.
5.     Why did Nicola say 'just plans' when the author asked them what their plans were?
Ans. Nicola says just plans because he didn't want to disclose anything about their life. They had a lot          of self-respect and didn't want anyone's help or sympathy.
6.      Why was Nicola annoyed when Jacopo asked the author for a favour?
Ans. When the author asked the two boys if before going back he could do anything for them, the                younger brother Jacopo asked him to drop them to a nearby village, Poteta, by car. The elder                brother didn't like taking favour from anyone. So he was annoyed.
7.      How did the two boys take care of their sister?
Ans. The two boys worked hard day and night. They did all kind of odd jobs. They were not ashamed          of any kind of job. They wore simple clothes and ate very meagre food. They had bare                        minimum needs. They had kept their sister in an hospital and gave all the money they earned for          her treatment. They paid her a visit once in a week.
8.      How was the life of the boys before the war?
Ans. The two boys had a very comfortable and cultural life. Their father was a well known singer.               Their sister Lucia had been training herself as a singer. They had a comfortable house to live in.           The war destroyed their life totally.
9.     How did the war change their life?
Ans. Their father was killed in the war. A bomb destroyed their home and thrown the three children            into the streets. They suffered horribly from near starvation and exposure to cold weather. For              months they kept themselves alive in a sort of shelter built with their own hands amid sort the              rubble.
10.    What happened when the boys rejoined the author?
Ans. The author got to know about the painful story of the two boys but didn't want them to feel let              down. So' he just behaved normally with them as if he didn't know anything. He safely kept                their secret. He was touched by their devotion to their sister.
11.    Why were the author and his friend attracted towards the two boys?
Ans. The author and his companion saw the boys selling strawberries and were strangely attracted but          had a zest to earn money. Rather than fooling around like other kids of their age, they were                  trying hard to earn some money.


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