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Summary Of the chapter 'Patol Babu, Film star'


Patol Babu, a 52 years old man, was very passionate about acting. He loved acting and the stage so much that he cherished those memories during his busy life in Calcutta when he was a stage actor in Kanchrapara, on the outskirts of Calcutta. At that time, he was very much in demand and his name had appeared on handbills on several occasions. He was a star on the stage during those days. People used to go watching dramas, especially, to see Patol's acting. At that time he lived in Kanchrapara, West Bengal. He worked with a railway factory and also worked as an amateur actor. Patol Babu got a job in Calcutta in Hudson and Kimberly, so he had to leave Kanchrapara and came to the city of Calcutta. He was happy with his job but due to the sudden retrenchment in the office, he had to loose his job.

One morning, Patol Babu,s Neighbour Nishikanto Babu came to his house and told him that his brother-in-law, who was working for a film company, needed an old bald man for a role in his movie. He also told Patol Babu that he had suggested his name for the role. His brother-in-law, Naresh Dutt, would come to see him at around 10:30. Patol Babu was very happy to receive such good news early in the morning. Naresh Dutt visited Patol Babu and told him about the offer. Patol Babu immediately accepted his offer. After Naresh Dutt went back, Patol Babu told his wife about the offer. He started thinking that he would soon get some more good offers and his financial condition would improve. His wife told him not to get excited so soon.

Next morning, Patol Babu reached the location point before time. He stood at the paan shop in the corner and waited for his turn to come. Naresh Dutt came, appreciated Patol Babu for being punctual and told him to stand in shade and wait for some more time. While standing there Patol Babu got to know that the hero of the film was chnchal Kumar and the director was Baren Mullick. He kept on asking Naresh Dutt for his lines so that he could rehearse his lines. But it was too long before anyone gave him his lines. Patol Babu was desperate. Being a theater actor, he was in the habit of rehearsing his lines. Ultimately, when somebody gave him his dialogue on a piece of paper, he was shocked. It was a single word "oh", which he had to utter.

He just thought that the people there had called him to make fun of him. He thought that it was all a hoax. When Patol Babu asked if that was the only word which he had to utter, he was told that he was lucky if he was given that part even. It was a crucial scene and there were many people who just had to stand and had nothing to say. Patol Babu was shocked, his legs were shivering and he couldn't stand there any more so he moved up to the office beyond the paan shop and sat down there.

Patol Babu was thinking of going back home when he remembered the word of his mentor, Gogon Pakrashi. He used to say 'Whatever small part you are offered accept it and never consider it below your dignity. As an artist, your aim should be to make the most of the opportunity and squeeze the last drop of meaning of your lines.' Remembering the words of his guru, Patol Babu made his head bow in obeisance. He started practicing his dialogue and wondered how the single word "Oh" could be spoken in different ways to convey different meanings. Patol Babu's chance came and he suggested to he director that he should have a newspaper in his hands and moustache for the scene in which the hero had to collide with an absent-minded pedestrian: Patol Babu. The collision took place at the right time and he uttered the dialogue "Oh" with a mixture of irritation and surprise. The director and the actor were full of praise for Patol Babu.

Patol Babu went and stood at the paan shop. He left the place quietly without taking his money. He realised that a little sum of money was nothing if measured against the intense satisfaction and dedication. 



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