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Extra Questions of 'Water Resources'

                          Very Short Answer Type Questions { 1 Mark }

1.     What is hydrological cycle?
Ans. Continuous circulation of water between hydrosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere, in which               water changes its physical state is called hydrological cycle.
2.     Why has bamboo drip irrigation system been installed in Meghalaya?
Ans. It has been installed to tap spring and stream water by using bamboo pipes.
3.      What are the diversion channels of Western Himalayas called?
Ans. They are called guls or kuls.
4.     What is palar pani ?
Ans. It is rain water.
5.     What is irrigation.
Ans. Artificial means of supplying water to farmlands in the form of canals, wells, tube wells and                tanks is called irrigation.
6.     What do the people in Rajasthan do to beat the summer heat?
Ans.  They have built underground rooms adjoining the tanks. The tanks keep the room cool.
7.     Who proclaimed the dams as the 'temples of modern India'?
Ans. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru 
8.     What is dam ?
Ans. A dam is a barrier across flowing water that obstructs, directs or retards the flow often creating a          reservoir.  
9.      Name two rain water harvesting structures built in Rajasthan.
Ans. Khadians and Johads.
10.    What is the main cause of water scarcity?
Ans. Growing population and less rainfall.

                                   Short Answer Type Questions { 3 Marks )

1.     Why do we conserve water resources?
Ans. We conserve water resources to
        (a) protect ourselves from health hazards.
        (b) ensure food security.
        (c) protect natural ecosystem.
2.     Why is the need for water increasing day-by-day? Explain three reasons.
Ans. (a) Water availability varies over space and time mainly due to variation in seasonal and annual                 precipitation.
        (b) Rapid urbanization is another factor for water scarcity.
        (c) Rapid increase in population that demand more and more water.
3.     Explain any four reasons responsible for water scarcity in India.
Ans. The reasons for water scarcity in India are:
        (a) Post-independence India has witnessed intensive industrialization and urbanization which                    increased water demand.  
        (b) Large urban centers with large and dense population and urban lifestyles have only added to                water requirement.
        (c) Population explosive after independence led to over-exploitation of underground water for                  irrigation.
4.     Name any two multipurpose river valley projects or dams which have led to new social                       movements.Why do people oppose them?
Ans. Two multipurpose projects which have led to social movements are:
        (a) Tehri Dam                              (b) Sardar Sarovar Dam
        People are opposed to these projects because of the following reasons.
        (a) These projects would lead to large scale displacement of local communities.
        (b) It would lead to submerging of the existing vegetation, deforestation.
        (c) The inhabitants have been demanding rehabilitation facilities which were not taken into                       consideration before starting the projects.
5.    Describe any three hydraulic structures of ancient India.
Ans. Three examples of hydraulic structures of ancient India are as under:
         (a) Water harvesting system was built in the first century BC near Allahabad for channeling the               flood waters of the Ganga.
         (b) During the times of Chandragupta Maurya, dams, lakes and irrigation systems were                              constructed.
         (c) Bhopal Lake, one of the largest artificial lakes of that time, was built in the 11th century.
6.     Describe the rooftop rainwater harvesting technique.
Ans. Rooftop rainwater harvesting involves a number of steps as under.
         (a) Rooftop rainwater is collected using a PVC pipe.
         (b) Water is filtered by using sand and bricks.
         (c) Water is taken to the sump through underground pipes for immediate use.
         (d) Excess water from the sump is taken to the well.
7.      Evaluate the role of large-scale developmental projects in accelerating the loss of forests in                  India.
Ans. (a) The forests were cleared for the construction of multi-purpose projects.
        (b) The reservoirs that are built on the flood plain also submerge the existing vegetation and soil, leading to its decomposition over a period of time.
        (c) The trees were submerged under the dam water.
8.     What is rainwater harvesting?
Ans. Rainwater harvesting is an efficient method of water conservation and management. The                     techniques of collecting and storing rainwater directly or recharging it into the ground through             artificial means to improve groundwater storage is called rainwater harvesting.
9.     What is a multipurpose river valley project? Give any four objectives of the multipurpose river           valley projects.
Ans. The multipurpose river valley project is a project i which a dam is constructed on the river and            stored water is then used in many ways like irrigation and power generation.
10.   Examine the ill effects of industrialization and urbanization on water resources.
Ans. Industrialization and urbanization have aggravated water scarcity in India in the following ways.
        (a) Large industrial houses are exerting pressure on existing freshwater resources.
        (b) Industries, apart from being heavy users of water, also require power to run them.
        (c) Multiplying urban centers with large and dense population and urban lifestyles have not only              added to water and energy requirement but further aggravated the problem. Water resources                are being over-exploited.




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