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Extra Questions Of 'The Frog And The Nightangle'

                                   Short Answer Type Questions

1.     Was the nightingale a brainless bird?
Ans. No, but she was simple and gullible. She was highly talented and skillful. She trusts everyone              easily and is unsuspecting. She does not realize her self worth.
2.     How did the frog exploit the nightingale?
Ans. The nightingale was a talented singer but was very innocent and simple. The frog exploited her            by first convincing her that he was a splendid singer with a splendid baritone. Then he trained              the nightingale and organised her concerts. He took the money earned in the concerts as his                  training fee. He humiliated her and got rid of her by making her practice day and night.
3.      How did the nightingale die?
Ans. The nightingale died following the bursting of a vein caused by excessive singing and                          humiliation. The frog called her a brainless bird and told her to puff her lungs up out with                    passion so that the audience is happy to listen to the song and he is able to earn money.
4.      Why is the frog's joy both sweet and bitter?
Ans. The frog finally succeeds in killing the nightingale and the competition to reclaim his monopoly          over the swamp. In this way, his joy can be termed sweet. But his joy was bitter because the                nightingale was showered with praises for her singing and the frog was always insulted for                  blowing his foghorn. 
5.      What advice did the frog give to the nightingale?
Ans. The frog advised the nightingale to use frills and thrills in the song and give something new to              the audience to keep it happy. Her song shouldn't be monotonous but have a freshness about it.
6.      Do you think the end is justified?
Ans. This is indeed a sad end. That is how the world functions. Many innocent people often fall prey            to scheming and heartless people who are ever ready to exploit the raw talent; only to dump                them at their own convenience. The nightingale was a talented and simple person who was                  exploited by a heartless frog.
7.      Explain the lines: "And the frog with great precision counted heads and charged                          admission".
Ans. The money-minded frog was charging an entrance fee for the nightingale's concerts so he was              busy selling tickets to each one of them and collecting money from them. He charged a hefty              amount from them and kept all the money as his fee to train the nightingale.
8.      The frog said 'I tried to teach her but she was a stupid creature', What does this tell us                about the frog and the nightingale?
Ans. The nightingale was a simple and innocent creature and was not a good judge of character and            could not see through the frog. She did not have confidence in herself and was very gullible.               The frog was cunning, heartless and crafty.
9.      How did the nightingale meet her death?
Ans. The nightingale was sad and morose because of the constant scoldings. She practiced hard in the          rain. Her voice grew hoarse and lost its beauty. The animals stopped coming to hear her sing.              She grew sad and depressed because she had got accustomed to the applause and praise. Finally,          one day when she was forced to practice she burst a vein and died.
10.    'Not too bad... But far too long the technique was fine, of course, but it lacked a certain                force'. What does this reveal about the Frog's nature?
Ans. He showed as if he was a Mozart and very skillful and possessed a great knowledge of music.              The frog is behaving extremely superior and in a condescending manner. He is also extremely              cunning and is trying to convince her to take training from him. He explained the things to the            nightingale as if he was a great musician.


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