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Extra Questions on 'Power Sharing' Extra Questions on ' Power Sharing '

                        Very Short Answer Type Questions [ 1 Mark ]

1.     In which continent is Belgium?
Ans. Belgium is in Europe.
2.     Where does the majority of population of Belgium live?
Ans. The majority of population of Belgium lives in the Flemish region.
3.      What is the religion of Sri Lanka ?
Ans. Buddhism is the religion of Sri Lanka.
4.     Name the third level government of Belgium.
Ans. The third level government of Belgium is known as the Community Government.
5.      What is separation of power?
Ans. The separation of power is the power sharing among the different organs of government with              their specific jurisdiction.
6.      What does the term majoritarianism signify?
Ans. The term majoritarianism signifies a belief that the majority community should rule a country.
7.      What does the federal division of power imply?
Ans. The term federal division implies power sharing at different levels of government.
8.      Which language is spoken by the majority of population in Brussels, the capital city of                        Belgium?
Ans. The majority of population in Brussels(80%), the capital city of Belgium, speaks French                      language.
9.      Give the meaning of coalition government.
Ans. A government formed by the coming together of two or more political parties is called coalition         government.
10.   What does the horizontal power sharing signify?
Ans. Horizontal power sharing signifies power shared among various organs of the government like           legislature, executive and judiciary.

                              Short Answer Type Questions [ 3 Marks ]

1.    Give an account of ethnic composition of Sri Lanka.
Ans. Sri Lanka comprises various communities and diverse population which signifies its complex             ethnicity like:
        (a) Sinhala speaking accounts for 74 percent of the total population and enjoys majoritarian                      status in the country.
        (b) About 7 percent of the population is Christians (both Tamils and Sinhalas).
        (c) Rest 1 per cent are Muslims.
2.     Why is the ethnic composition of Belgium very complex?
Ans. (a) Of the country's total Population, 59 per cent of the lives in the Flemish region and speaks                   Dutch language.
        (b) Another 40 per cent lives in the Wallonia region and speaks French.
        (c) Remaining 1 percent of if the Belgians speaks German.
3.     What do mean by power sharing ?
Ans. Power sharing means sharing of responsibility and powers among different organs and levels of         government.
        It is a strategy for resolving disputes over exercising of power.
        It is a powerful approach to unite the diversities by making them party to the decision making             process.
4.     Why did civil war break out in Sri Lanka? List the results of the civil war.
Ans. The distrust between Tamil speaking and the Sinhalese over the majoritarianism issue resulted             in a widespread conflict which soon turned into a civil war.
        The results of the civil war were as follows:
       (a) Thousands of people of both the communities were killed.
       (b) Many families were forced to leave the country and many more lost their livelihood.
       (c) Sri Lanka, in general, suffered from an economic crisis.
5.    What led to tensions between the Dutch speaking and French speaking communities in Belgium          during 1950s and 1960s ?
Ans. (a) The issues of majoritarianism and financial preference led to the tensions between the Dutch               and French speaking communities in Belgium during 1950s and 1960s.
        (b) At the capital city of Brussels, the French speaking community was relatively rich and p                      powerful and used to get the economic and educational benefit.
        (c) This was resented the Dutch speaking community which led to the led tension between the                  two communities of Brussels.



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