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Important Question of 'Life Processes'

                                      Very Short Answer Questions

1. Name the tern for transport of food from leaves to other parts of plants.
Ans. Translocation of food.

2. What process in plants is known as transpiration ?
Ans. It is loss of water in the vapour form from the exposed parts of a plant.

3. Which pancreatic enzyme is effective in digesting protein ?
Ans. Trypsin.

4. Which enzyme present in saliva breaks down starch ?
Ans. Ptyalin or salivary amylase.

5. What is the role of acid in our stomach?
Ans. HCl of gastric juice disinfects the food and acidifies it for proper functioning of proteolytic enzyme pepsin.

6. Where does digestion of fat take place in our body?
Ans. Digestion of fat occurs in first part (duodenum and jejunum) of small intestine with the help of enzyme lipase that acts on emulsified fat to form fatty acids and glycerol.

7. State one difference between autotrophic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition.
Ans. In autotrophic nutrition, the food is self manufactured while it is obtained ready-made from outside in heterotrophic nutrition.

8. Name the process in plants where water is lost as water vapour.
Ans. Transpiration.

9. What is translocation in plants ?
Ans. Translocation is passage of food materials in solution form in plants from the region of their supply or manufacture to the region of their use or storage.

10. Name the store food of animals.
Ans. Glycogen and fats.

                                                 Short Answer Questions

1. What is the function of trachea ? Why do the walls not collapse even when there is less air in it?
Ans. Trachea is a tube that connects pharynx with lungs for carrying air to and from lungs.Trachea is lined by ciliated mucus secreting pseudostratified epithelium for trapping dust particles and microbes. Trachea does not collapse in reduced air pressure due to support of C-shaped cartilaginous rings. 

2. (a) What will ahppen to guard cells and the stomatal pore when water flows into guard cells.
    (b) How do plants transmit information from cell to cell ?
Ans. (a) Guard cells swell up and a stomatal pore is created in between them.
        (b) Information is transmitted from one plant cell to another through plasmodesmata and                           harmones.

3. What is internal energy reserve in plants ? Do the animals have the same energy reserve ? Justify your answer.
Ans. The major internal energy reserve in plants is starch (a complex carbohydrate). Animals do not have the same energy reserve. Instead, They possess glycogen (and fat).

4. Name two digestive glands associated with digestive system in humans. Name their secretions. 
 Ans. 1. Salivary glands -- saliva. 2. Pancreas -- pancreatic juice.

5. Give reason : (i) Fine hair and mucus are present in the nasal passage.
                          (ii) Rings of cartilage are present in the throat.
Ans. (i) They trap fine dust particles and microbes from inhaled air. 
        (ii) They prevent collapsing of trachea when air pressure is low.

                   H.O.T.S. QUESTIONS

1. How are viruses living when they do not show movements ?
Ans. Viruses do not show movements outside the host cells. They show movements at the molecular level inside the living cells. 

2. A girdled tree dies if the girdle is wide and is not filled up. Comment.
Ans. Girdling removes bark containing phloem from the trunk region. Food manufactured by foliage does not reach the roots which requires the same as they are always growing. In the absence of food supply, roots starve ad stop absorbing water. The foliage wilts and the plant dies. 

3. Give one reason why multicellular organisms requires special organs for exchange of gases between their body and their environment.
Ans. Multicellular organisms require special organs for exchange of gases as most of their cells are internal and are not in direct contact with environment.

4. Name the green dot like structures in some cells observed by a student when a leaf peel was viewed under a microscope. What is the green color due to ?
Ans. Chloroplasts with green color due to chlorophyll.   


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