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Short Answer Questions (with Solutions) Chapter 5 - Patol Babu, Film Star

                                        Short Answer Type Questions

1. Why did Nishikanto Babu visit Patol Babu early in the morning?
Ans. Nishikanto Babu's brother in law, who worked with a film productiion company needed someone, in his fifties, to do the role of an absent-minded pedestrian. Nishikanto Babu suggested Patol Babu's name because Patol Babu was suitable for the role as he had a very log experience if acting.

2. Why did Patol Babu leave his factory job in Kanchrapara and settle down in Calcutta?
Ans. Patol Babu got a job with Hudon and Kimberley Company in Calcutta. He was offered a clerk's job and a salary higher than that he got at his job in railways. So, he shifted to Calcutta.

3. What do you know about Patol Babu as a theater actor?
Ans. During his stay in Kanchrapara, outside Calcutta, Patol Babu was a well-known stage actor. He was a well-known actor in jatras, amateur theatricals and in plays put up by the club in his neighbourhood. On countless occasions his name appeared on handbills. People used to buy tickets to specially see Patol Babu.

4. Why did Patol Babu again and again ask about his dialogues in the movie?
Ans. Patol Babu was a perfectionist. For him his role was more important than the opportunity. He was curious to know what his dialogues were so that he could rehearse his dialogues. As a theater artist, he used to practice his dialogues many a time for a perfect delivery.

5. What all did Patol Babu start dreaming of when he was offered the role in a movie?
Ans. Patol Babu was a passionate actor in his early days. But with time he forgot about his passion for acting. He had lost many jobs and was finding it difficult to make his both ends meet. But the film offer rekindled the passion for acting and he started thinking of excelling as a film actor also.

6. Why had Nishikanto Babu come to Patol Babu's house so early in the morning? Why was Patol Babu so happy after listening to what Nishikanto Babu had said?
Ans. Nishikanto Ghosh had come to Patol Babu's house so early in the morning to tell him that his youngest brother-in-law was looking for an actor for a scene in a film they're shooting. The way he described the character reminded Nishikanto Ghosh of Patol Babu. So, he had asked him to get in touch with him. Patol Babu was ecstatic about the offer to act in the film because he had a passion for acting.

7. Buying provisions in the market, Patol Babu mixed up his wife's order and bought red chillies instead of onion seeds. Why was Patol Babu in such a confused state of mind?
Ans. Patol babu was in a very excited mood as his friend Nishikanto Ghosh had told him that he had suggested Patol Babu's name to his brother-in-law, who was looking for an actor for a scene in a film they're shooting. Acting was Patol Babu's passion and he hadn't got a chance to act for years. So, he was in an excited state of mind.

8. Why does Patol Babu's wife tell him that he is counting his 'chickens before they're hatched'?
Ans. Patol Babu has not been successful in many of his endeavours. He is a daydreamer. Patol Babu tells his wife about the role he has got to do in a movie, and it is just a beginning; his first step on the ladder of success and that the success is not far. He tells her that this step would mark his rise to fame and fortune. Patol Babu's wife thinks that it is too early to build castles in the air as he does not know anything about his role, dialogues, the actors and the director of the movie. She tells him that he was counting his chickens before they're hatched.

9. 'Patol Babu had acted in many a play before but he still felt nervous because he hadn't got his dialogues to rehearse'. What does this suggest about Patol Babu?
Ans. Though Patol Babu had acted in the theater before but he still felt nervous because he was always a meticulous actor. He wanted his act to be flawless. He believed that even if the job was small one should do it whole heartedly and put in one's best efforts. These lines suggests that for Patol Babu, personal satisfaction was a big thing and he wanted to do his best.

10. 'Well, at least he had gathered some useful information'. Why did he gather that useful information ?
Ans. Patol Babu had agreed to do a role in the film but he didn't know about the lead actors and the director. But when he went for the shoot, the man next to him told him that the hero of the film was Chanchal Kumar and that he was playing the lead in four films at the moment. Patol Babu asked his neighbour about the director, and was told that the director of the film was Barren Mullick, who had given three smash hits in a row. He gathered the information so that he could tell his wife in whose film he had acted and with which actor.

                        Long Answer Type (Value-based) Questions

1. Patol Babu was true performer. Explain.
Ans. Patol Babu was a well-known actor in hi early days. His early days were the days of stage and acting. Patol Babu was always in demand in Jatras theatricals, which were put up by the club in his neighbourhood. His name appeared in hand bills on several occasions. People watched dramas only to see him perform. The real greatness of Patol Babu can be understood from the point that he was a man with wonderful precision and dedication for acting. Once when he decided to quit the scene because it had only a small dialogue to be delivered, he remembered the words of his mentor Gogon Pakrashi. Then, With his little scene where he had to utter an insignificant "Oh!" as the only dialogue, Patol Babu practiced hard and found a dozen a meanings and definitions of the exclamation, "oh!" He invented different types of "oh" with varying degrees of emotions attached to them. Thus, Patol Babu was a great actor, the real star who performed a small scene with great dedication, perfection and accuracy.

2. The story criticizes the fact that art is not anymore a thing of passion but has become a totally commercialized commodity. Explain.
Ans. Art is no more considered to be a passion but a pursuit to earn money and it holds true in the context of the story also. The main actor of the story, Patol Babu, was a passionate actor but he didn't get his due in the role he played. He felt that the movie actors were doing the scenes like machines without any passion. But to him acting was a thing which required perfection and dedication. Patol was a genuine actor who began his acting career as a stage artist years ago. When he made his second coming, it was on the celluloid screen. But he felt that the movie actors considered the other things more important than the brilliance of acting. Patol Babu felt that his acting powers would not be acknowledged and appreciated by the film people. So, Patol Babu refused to take the reward for the work done.

3. Through the character of Patol Babu, Satyajit Ray has portrayed hat personal satisfaction is more important than financial rewards. Explain this statement with reference to the story 'Patol Babu, Film Star'.
Ans. In 'Patol Babu, Film Star', Satyajit Ray has highlighted the idea that personal satisfaction is more important than financial rewards. According to him, one does a job because one is interested in it not because one can get a reward from it. In the story, Patol Babu was give only a mior role of a pedestrian. He was only needed to collide with main actor of the film, Chanchal Kumar and utter a monosyllable sound ''Oh''. Nevertheless, his passion for the job drove him to work hard and give the best performance through rehearsing persistently. Eventually, he did a terrific job and received praises from Chanchal Kumar, "You timed it so well that I nearly passed out!" and Baren Mullick's ''Jolly good! Why, you're quite and actor.'' He felt very pleased with his performance and a total satisfaction swept over him. He thought that it didn't matter whether or not he received any payment, ''What was twenty rupees when measured against the intense satisfaction of a small job done with perfection and dedication''? Thus, he didn't wait to collect his payment. Patol Babu realised that personal satisfaction could not be measured it terms of money. To him personal satisfaction was more crucial than material rewards. He proved his ability and talent in acting and these worked as a sort of motivation to him.  

Reference to summary-


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