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Solved Question of "The Dear Departed"

                                 Short Answer Type Questions

1.     Why was Mrs. Slater angry with Victoria for not changing her dress?
Ans. Mrs. Slater is not at all sad about her father's death but she is all the more concerned about the              mourning dresses. Since her father has expired, she instructs her daughter Victoria to quickly              change her colorful dress into something sober, before the guests and relatives arrive.
2.      Why were Mr. and Mrs. Jordan visiting the Slaters after so many years?
Ans. The two sisters had a very cold relationship with each other and didn't visit each other often.                Since their father, Mr. Abel Merryweather, had expired, Mrs. Jordan, the daughter, was visiting            her sister's family, to settle all his affairs and distribute all his assets between them. 
3.      Henry says, 'I suppose it's in the family .' Why does Henry make this comment and what           does it reflect about the two sisters? 
Ans. When Henry said that he thought the Elizabeth won't come. To this Mrs. Slater said that she               would definitely come to take her share of grandfather's belongings. To this Henry said 'I                     suppose it is in the family.' Henry is well aware that both the sisters Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Jordan         are very mean, selfish and calculative, so they will not lose any chance to pinch things                         belonging to their family.
4.     Henry didn't feel shy of pinching Grandpa's bureau. Explain.
Ans. This remark depicts that Henry is not only a henpecked husband but also a hypocrite, who just            does what his wife tells him. He has no individuality of his own. He even convinced his                      daughter Victoria that Grandpa had gifted that bureau to Mrs. Slater. 
5.      What is the most surprising announcement made by Mr. Abel Merryweather in the end?            How does it affect the other characters?
Ans. Mr. Abel Merryweather makes a very shocking announcement in the end that he is going to                  marry Mrs. Shorrocks who keeps the 'Ring-o-Bells' at St. Philips church on Monday. Moreover,          he is going to take away his things and leave nothing for his daughters.
6.     What are the three things grandpa plans to do on Monday?
Ans. Grandpa would go to his lawyer to get his will changed. he would also go to the insurance office         to pay for his premium. He also planned to marry Mrs. John Shorrocks of Ring-o-Bells at Saint           Philip's Church on Monday.
7.     Briefly describe the character of Victoria in the Dear Departed.
Ans. Victoria is the daughter of Mrs. Amelia Slater and Henry Slater but she is completely opposite           to her parents. She is a loving and compassionate child. She doesn't like when her parents steal           grandfather's bureau. She is the only one who is happy to see the grandfather happy.
8.     What does the shifting of the bureau tell us about the character of Mrs. Slater?
Ans. Mrs. Slater has always wanted to have the bureau after the grandfather died. She feels she can             easily take it before her sister arrives. It shows that she was greedy and selfish. She lacked                   feelings.
9.     What are Mrs Slater's reactions when she comes to know that her father is dead?
Ans. She is not at all moved to know this. Neither did she cry nor did she feel sad at heart. Her father          was not at all dear to her. To show off the world and especially her sister that they were in                    mourning, she wore a black dress and told her daughter to wear a black too. She was not sad                and broken-hearted at her father,s death but was more bothered about her looks.
10.    Describe the reaction of the Slaters and the Jordans when Abel Merryweather walks down          the stairs.
Ans. Both the Jordans and the Slaters are shocked. They are not happy to see him alive. Mrs. Slater              was really unhappy to see him because she had pinched his bureau and she knew her secret                  would be revealed soon.


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