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What is Internet ? All about INTERNET

image of computer with networking के लिए चित्र परिणाम                                                   

What is Network ?

At home, your computer might be connected to its own printer and scanner. This works as well as you are the only person who will be using them. But you must have noticed that much of the time though, they probably aren't being used and and just lie idle. But at places where many computers are used such as your school or offices or banks etc, it would cost a lot of money for every computer to have its own printer. And for every computer to have its own printer. And for the majority of the time, like your printer at home, it wouldn't be used. 
                                                                                    But the joining computers together to form a network, they are able to share one printer. This means that more money can be spent buying a better quality printer and that the printer is being used much more of the time. Now this one computer can be shared among a number of computers if they are inter-connected. Interconnected computers form the computer network. A computer network can have two or more connected computers.    

Introduction to Internet 

Internet is a computer-based worldwide information network. It can be assumed as an example of WAN (Wide Area Network). The Internet is composed of a large number of smaller interconnected networks. These networks may link tens, hundreds, or thousands of computers, enabling them to share information with each other and to share various resources, such as powerful supercomputers and databases (collection of data) of information. The internet has made it possible for people all over the world to effectively and inexpensively communicate with each other. Unlike traditional broadcasting media, such as radio and television, the Internet is decentralized system. Each connected individual can communicate with anyone else on the Internet, can publish ideas, and can sell products with a minimum overhead cost. 

History of Internet

The seeds of Internet were planted in 1969, when U.S. Department of defense sponsored a project named ARPANET (acronym for Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork). In mid 80's, another federal agency, the National Science Foundation, created a new, high-capacity network called NSFnet, which was more capable than ARPANET. 

It was the Inter-networking i.i., the linking of these two and some other networks (i.e., the ARPANET, NSFnet and some private networks) that was named INTERNET. 

The original ARPANET was shut down in 1990, and the government funding for NSFnet discontinued in 1995. But the commercial Internet services came into picture, which are still running the Internet.

Definition- Internet is a computer-based world wide communication network, which is composed of large number of smaller interconnected networks. 

Advantages of Internet

* Greater access to information reduces research times.
* Useful communication links.
* Global reach enables one to connect to anyone on the internet.
* Easy communication with other people.
* Publishing documents on the internet saves paper.
* A valuable resource for companies to advertise and conduct business.

Disadvantages of Internet 

* Cyber frauds may take place involving Credit/Debit card numbers and details.
* Unsuitable and undesirable material available that sometimes are used by notorious people such as terrorists.
* Computer viruses get downloaded and spread across machines connected to networks and have detrimental effects.
* Much of the information isn't checked and may be incorrect or irrelevant. 
* Messages sent across the internet can be easily intercepted and are open to abuse by others.
* Too much time spent on the internet could result in a lack of face-to-face interaction with others and a loss of social skills.
* Going on-line runs the risk of malicious hackers or viruses being able to damage your computers.


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