Summary Patol Babu, a 52 years old man, was very passionate about acting. He loved acting and the stage so much that he cherished those memories during his busy life in Calcutta when he was a stage actor in Kanchrapara, on the outskirts of Calcutta. At that time, he was very much in demand and his name had appeared on handbills on several occasions. He was a star on the stage during those days. People used to go watching dramas, especially, to see Patol's acting. At that time he lived in Kanchrapara, West Bengal. He worked with a railway factory and also worked as an amateur actor. Patol Babu got a job in Calcutta in Hudson and Kimberly, so he had to leave Kanchrapara and came to the city of Calcutta. He was happy with his job but due to the sudden retrenchment in the office, he had to loose his job. One morning, Patol Babu,s Neighbou...